The SuCoLo Consortium

Project coordinator

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H

Salzburg Research (SRFG) as more than 20 years of experience in national and European research and innovation projects (EU Framework Programmes, AAL Joint Programmes, INTERREG). SRFG is an innovation-driven, non-profit research and technology organisation that conducts applied research in the area of information and communication technologies(ICT), with a focus on motion data intelligence. Four research departments cover a vast area of scientific, technological and socio-economic expertise including human motion, mobility and transport analytics, intelligent connectivity, processing platforms, and innovation and value creation with a focus on data-based behavioural incentivisation mechanisms. The strength of SRFG lies in the interdisciplinary combination of different fields, ranging from technological research and development to socio-economic analysis, trend research and target-group specific innovation management and consulting activities.

independent L. ONLUS

independent L. ONLUS Soc. Coop is a recognised South Tyrolean counselling centre for people with disabilities and competence centre in the fields of accessibility, assistive technologies and domotics, promoting the self-determined life and autonomy of people with disabilities for over 25 years. All areas of the cooperative are quality certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015. In addition to the conventional social and assistive technology counselling,
independent L. offers a specialised counselling service for the elimination of architectural barriers and has an in-house show apartment for domotics (i-LAB) and a permanent exhibition of technological and electronic aids, under the guidance of a multidisciplinary team. In addition, independent L. is accredited by the European Social Fund as an educational institution and has been running ESF work integration courses for people with disabilities for over 20 years. In 2017, it was recognised as a national assessment body for digital accessibility of websites and applications by AgID – Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale. Since 2004, independent L. has also run the information portal on inclusive tourism and barrier-free mobility in South Tyrol – and has carried out target group-oriented Interreg projects.

Sustainablility InnoCenter

The Sustainability InnoCenter (SIC) is a Uppsala-based non-profit organisation that serves as a community platform for young professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, and innovative thinkers who are committed to supporting the United Nations sustainability agenda. SIC is driven by the goal of exploring new concepts and ideas related to sustainability, climate awareness, public engagement, and social challenges. To achieve this, SIC uses open innovation and new idea generation processes to develop innovative products and services that have a positive impact. The SuCoLo project will leverage the partner’s expertise in sustainable development, community engagement strategies (such as participatory design), and open innovation approaches (including city-driven innovation). These competencies are the result of the partner’s long standing activities in new idea development, advisory services, research, and cross-sector collaboration. Furthermore, SIC’s strong connections and collaborations with Swedish cities, such as Gävle and Malmö, will enhance the project’s effectiveness.

VIABIRDS Technologies GmbH

VIABIRDS Technologies GmbH is a Software Solution Provider for Digital Retail Applications. The mission is to enable companies to offer the most convenient digital retail solutions to consumers. VIA is developing e-commerce stores and mobile apps. VIA is working with a digital marketplace model that offers constant growth opportunities through collective intelligence. With a proven toolbox of features for different applications and a quick and easy API integration setup, their system is designed for growth. By constantly improving features based on real-world challenges, VIA creates a marketplace model for successful projects. With common technologies, VIA makes data usable and define forecasts. VIA helps to find and understand data sets and to get the full potential out of them. The team will clean up data sets, set up a reporting infrastructure, implement server-side tracking and supporting technologies.

Universität Leipzig

Leipzig University comprises 14 faculties with over 130 institutes and centres as well as 17 central institutions. With 155 degree programmes the university offers a unique variety of subjects. The range of subjects covered by this comprehensive university extends from the humanities and social sciences to natural sciences, economics, life sciences and medicine. Around 460 professors and more than 2800 academic staff conduct research and teach. The Institute for Information Systems Institute has a long tradition in Leipzig and today comprises four professorships, an IT department and a total of about 40 employees. As an applied scientific discipline, it is important for business information systems to have a high level of practical relevance in order to evaluate and validate previous research results by means of concrete implementations. In its research, the Chair of Information Management of Prof. Dr. Bogdan Franczyk is particularly dedicated to the topics of business process management, the use of real-time data to optimise business processes, as well as AI/ML procedures, especially in the logistics sector. The professorship is the operator of the Logistics Living Lab. The Logistics Living Lab is an open space for innovation, demonstration and collaboration to meet the logistics challenges of tomorrow with innovative information systems and technologies. A systematic research process brings together logistics players from industry, science and administration to make the logistics of the future more efficient, secure and flexible.

Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige SpA / Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG – Green Mobility Department

Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG (sta AG) is an in-house company of the Province of South Tyrol for which it develops strategies and projects within the framework of public and sustainable mobility. STA AG manages public mobility infrastructures such as railway and bus stations, but also runs public transport services such as the rail line Vinschgau, the ropeway and tramline Ritten and the ropeway Mendel. STA AG also has the mandate to create the digital architecture for public transport so that public transport passengers can, among others, quickly and easily receive up-to-date and reliable passenger information via the südtirolmobil app and validate their journey with the SüdtirolPass. STA AG also runs the Safety Park driving safety centre, which ensures a safer driving culture in South Tyrol. The mission of STA AG also includes the development and application of innovative mobility concepts. The division Green Mobility promotes sustainable forms of mobility and researches new approaches for shifting private motorised transport to low-emission or emission-free modes of transport. In this context, studies are conducted and new methods developed that are then disseminated on the local as well as on the international stage via awareness campaigns and international conferences.


Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts


Project Coordinator

Michael Thelen, MA

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.

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