
SuCoLo will foster sustainable consumer behaviour

with the help of inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts

Facts and Figures

Start Date: January 2024

Start: January 2024

End: June 2026




Project partners




Research pilots in different cities

Objectives of the project

Our three research pilots

Salzburg, Austria

We’re teaming up with the Urban Mobility Lab Zukunftswege and other local partners to study how people and goods move to and from public transport stations, focusing on things like location, bike-/walkability, and accessibility. Based on what we find, we’ll explore the best ways to encourage customers to choose environmentally friendly options for receiving and picking up deliveries by experimenting with different strategies to change behavior through a special online store, the SuCoLo webshop prototype. This could include methods like comparing behaviors to encourage picking up orders by walking or biking.

Leipzig, Germany

We plan to survey different places around the outskirts of the city to see how easily people with disabilities (and others) can access potential goods pick-up stations without facing any physical barriers. The Leipzig Logistics Living Lab, run by ULEI, will work together with local residents and other interested parties to design concepts for pick-up stations and a small delivery hub, which will also serve as a place where people can meet.

In partnership with the online store Locally Happy and the bike courier service Fulmo, we’ll test and review the delivery of goods by bicycle and cargo bike. This includes transporting items from retailers to the small hub and then from the hub to customers or pick-up stations. Additionally, we’ll use the Locally Happy platform to test digital ways to encourage people to make eco-friendly choices, guided by the expertise of VIA and SRFG.

Merano, Italy

The Merano pilot will test how to seamlessly add cargo bikes to its bike-sharing system, including a digital booking system and trials. This initiative aims to encourage eco-friendly delivery and collection options, particularly through a collaboration with a local commercial activity for regional product deliveries using the Fix bike-delivery service, emphasizing the environmental benefits.

Local stores will evaluate customer uptake of green delivery methods, providing both digital and traditional ordering to ensure inclusivity. We’ll identify potential collection station locations, with a focus on the Maia Bassa/Untermais neighborhood for a prototype station. This station will not only serve as a pick-up point but also as a community hub, featuring areas for socializing and cultural activities.

The station’s design will be developed together with the community and stakeholders, with a strong emphasis on accessibility and attractiveness for individuals with disabilities.


Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts


Project Coordinator

Michael Thelen, MA

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.

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