
Any material published over the course of the project will be made available here.

Review of challenges for sustainable goods logistics and delivery solutions in urban outskirts

Deliverable 2.1

The sustainable delivery of goods in urban outskirts presents challenges for city infrastructure planning and delivery companies, particularly in addressing the needs of people with disabilities. This paper examines these challenges in the SuCoLo pilot cities of Leipzig, Merano, and Salzburg, emphasizing inclusive and environmentally friendly logistics solutions. Key issues include the need for barrier-free web shops, suitable pick-up locations, and safe road conditions for cargo bikes. Specific local challenges are noted, such as poor road conditions in Leipzig, fragmented bike paths in Merano, and a lack of cargo bike couriers in Salzburg. The analysis highlights that overcoming both general and local challenges is crucial for effective sustainable logistics solutions in these regions.

The deliverable is also available in inclusive language.

Authors: Günther Ennemoser, Diego Visintin, Marianne Viskanic, Anita Stizzoli, Anita Tosini (IND), Viola Süß, Benjamin Gaunitz, Silvia Torres Landaverde (ULEI), Michael Thelen, David Leistner (SRFG), Olivia Kieser (STA)

Review of challenges for sustainable goods logistics and delivery solutions in urban outskirts

Deliverable 2.1

The sustainable delivery of goods in urban outskirts presents challenges for city infrastructure planning and delivery companies, particularly in addressing the needs of people with disabilities. This paper examines these challenges in the SuCoLo pilot cities of Leipzig, Merano, and Salzburg, emphasizing inclusive and environmentally friendly logistics solutions. Key issues include the need for barrier-free web shops, suitable pick-up locations, and safe road conditions for cargo bikes. Specific local challenges are noted, such as poor road conditions in Leipzig, fragmented bike paths in Merano, and a lack of cargo bike couriers in Salzburg. The analysis highlights that overcoming both general and local challenges is crucial for effective sustainable logistics solutions in these regions.

The deliverable is also available in inclusive language.

Authors: Günther Ennemoser, Diego Visintin, Marianne Viskanic, Anita Stizzoli, Anita Tosini (IND), Viola Süß, Benjamin Gaunitz, Silvia Torres Landaverde (ULEI), Michael Thelen, David Leistner (SRFG), Olivia Kieser (STA)

Content pending…


Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts


Project Coordinator

Michael Thelen, MA

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.

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